Saturday, March 28, 2020

Emmett J. Roherty

While watching 1917 last night, I decided to find my grand father's (Emmett James Roherty 1892-1964) World War I helmet in my storage closet. Well I found it still in pretty good shape!

After many years and not remembering much about my grand father's stint in the Army, I was sure he was attached to the 32nd Infantry Division, however, the insignia on this helmet is not the infamous "Red Arrow" 
So looking into this further, I found grandpa's military return information stating that he returned from Brest, France on April 25, 1919 aboard the USS Wilhelmina and back to Boston in May 4, 1919.

You will see he was a Field Artillery Sargent, attached to the 120th Field Artillery - Battery E. I discovered the following regarding the 120th FA Regiment. This is copied directly from Wikipedia: The 1st Battalion, 120th Field Artillery Regiment, also known as the "Red Fox" Battalion came into being on 22 September 1917 at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas, as part of the 57th Field Artillery Brigade, better known as the Iron Brigade. The 120th Field Artillery Regiment previously had been the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. The history of the 1st Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry Regiment goes back the American Civil War days.[1]
Today, the 1–120th FAB (1-120th Field Artillery Battalion) is part of the 32nd IBCT (32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team) and is headquartered in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, and has four corresponding batteries: Alpha Battery is located in Marshfield, Wisconsin; Bravo Battery is located in Stevens Point, Wisconsin; Charlie Battery, located in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin; and Headquarters Battery which is located in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Headquarters Battery has 6 detachments (dets) that include the fire support element of the battalion: det 1 is located in Berlin, Wisconsin; det 2 is located in Madison, Wisconsin; det 3 is located in Clintonville, Wisconsin, det 4 is located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, det 5 is located in Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, and det 6 is located in Wyoming, Michigan.
Their coat of arms insignia is:

His name is also listed on the WWI war memorial monument on Jackson Street in Janesville, WI

Going back to the Diamond insignia on the helmet, looking at the assignment when their unit was activiated, their pre-european training was conducted at Camp MacArthur in Waco, Texas. Since they were assigned to the 57th Field Artillery Brigade, again straight out of Wikipedia: This was part of the 32nd Infantry Division, the unit was organized under War Department orders of 18 July 1917, from National Guard troops from Wisconsin and Michigan. Brigadier General William G. Haan, while acting as Division Commander, was also in command of the 57th Field Artillery Brigade. The 119th Field Artillery, composed largely of Michigan artillery and cavalry troops, was commanded by Major Chester B. McCormick, later promoted to the rank of Colonel. The 120th Field Artillery was made up almost entirely from troops of the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, and the commanding officer of the latter organization. Colonel Carl Penner, continued in command. The 1st Wisconsin Field Artillery Regiment became the 121st Field Artillery, the heavy artillery regiment of the 57th Field Artillery Brigade. The Commanding Officer of the Wisconsin Artillery, Colonel Philip C. Westfahl, became Commander of the new regiment. 

I believe this may be where the diamond may have come from....What I discovered is that the diamond is the insignia for the 5th Infantry Division

Again from Wikipedia:The 5th Division was activated on 11 December 1917, just over eight months after the American entry into World War I, at Camp Logan, near HoustonTexas and began training for deployment to the Western Front.[3] The entire division had arrived in France by 1 May 1918 and components of the units were deployed into the front line.[4] The 5th Division was the eighth of forty-two American divisions to arrive on the Western Front.
The 5th Division trained with French Army units from 1 to 14 June 1918.[3] The first soldiers of the unit to be killed in action died on 14 June of that year. Among the division's first casualties was Captain Mark W. Clark, then commanding the 3rd Battalion, 11th Infantry Regiment, who would later become a four-star general. On 12 September, the unit was part of a major attack that reduced the salient at St. Mihiel.[4] The division later fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, the largest battle fought by the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) (and the largest in the history of the U.S. Army) in World War I. The war ended soon after, on November 11, 1918. The division served in the Army of Occupation, being based in Belgium and Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg until it departed Europe. The division returned to the United States through the New York Port of Embarkation at HobokenNew Jersey, on 21 July 1919

So there may have been some kind of resource sharing with grandpa's unit since both training camps were located in Texas and sent to France together, maybe a mixup of helmets or they were moved to the 5th ID?? still investigating...

Bill Hirschinger

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3D Prototyping

3D Prototyping

Being associated with an Electrical Distributor specializing in automation products, I've decided to write about a technology which I have no experience. Although I have no experience, I am deeply intrigued by its ability to see and hold your ‘Mechanical’ design in a very short time after its conception!  Our customer’s expect us to respond in a timely fashion, should it be any different getting a CAD (computer aided design) thought into their hands quickly as well?  

I've been around for a while and have seen the 3-D prototyping machines utilizing multi-axis machining centers, grinding away a solid piece of metal or plastic, eventually forming parts which are assembled into their completed product.  However, this process is wasteful, expensive and very time consuming.  But, as you can expect, there are other technologies to “print” these new thoughts/designs.  Yes, ‘printing’ is the term used today, actually “3D Printing” or “Rapid Prototyping” describes this technology.  There are many systems in use today, which I have seen in various customers’ R&D labs.  This afternoon I was browsing a technical journal and I saw an article on “Rapid Prototyping” describing the benefits of these machines.  The article described the ability to quickly design, test, build – then “tweak” your mechanical designs – all made in a reasonable amount of time with great $$ savings to please your customers.

These “3D Prototyping” systems began in the late ‘70s early ‘80s with a technology named “SLS” or Selective Laser Sintering. This process utilizes a software tool to design your product in a “3D” environment, then you would “print” or communicate to a ‘hardware motion system’ (“printer”) and utilizing a powdered median (ceramic, metal, plastic or glass) “paper” are layered in a specified thickness and exposed to laser emissions (“print head”), which fuse the particles into a mass.  With ‘pass-after-pass’, and ‘layer-after-layer’, the design would eventually form a 3D object.  However due to the cost of the laser and the time to re-layer, this process was only being used by a select few companies. 
Example of parts made by Rapid Prototyping

 In the mid-‘80s, came “ Stereo-lithography”.  This technology utilizes a vat of plastic liquid which is exposed to an ultraviolet laser.  With each pass, the liquid will solidify and form a solid film, where the bed will be lower by fractions of millimeters, waiting for the next exposure.

Pump Vane prototype

But as you can imagine, there is another technology which I will discuss called “FDM” or Fused Deposition Modeling. This has been around since the ‘80s, but recently commercialized due to its simplicity.  If you are familiar with ‘MIG’ (Metal Inert Gas) welding, commonly referred to as “Wire Feed” welding; this process feeds spooled wire into a weld head to make contact with your metal work piece.  So, as a similar analogy, we could automate the process and with multiple passes, this system will make a 3D object. As with ‘MIG’, ‘FDM’ uses a plastic core which is fed into a heated “print” head which applies the melted resin onto a micro layer, eventually making the 3D design.

Medical advances can be tested with Rapid Prototyping

FDM machine video:

The machine which caught my eye is made by a company in Brooklyn, NY, called the “MakerBot”. This system seems too good to be real! But after many revisions, their new machine is called “MakerBot Replicator 2”.  MakerBot is a newer company who began in 2009, recently a venture capital company  (The Foundry Group) invested over $10 million into them! With these machines available for under $3,000, I would watch this company!  Anyways, there are a number of companies out there making ‘FDM’ 3D prototype machines, including:  MakerBot, 3DSystems, Stratasys and others.

For more information, please see MakerBot’s site (Standard Electric Supply Co has no relation or affiliation with MakerBot)  
MakerBot Replicator 2X - Rapid Prototyping Machine

If you have other suggestions or need Electrical Automation Components, please contact Standard Electric Supply Co.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What the heck is IO-Link?

What is IO-Link? 

If you haven't heard about this technology, you will!  It is currently being used in Europe, and coming to North American Automation Distributors.  IO-Link began in 2010 and its organization is comprised of leading Automation providers determined to provide a full range of sensor, actuator, and controller technology in support of a new concept.  IO-Link is a neutral interface and is fieldbus independent. This technology is used in automation systems below the IO (PLC or Remote I/O) level for individual linking of field devices (sensors/actuators).

So what, you're probably thinking? Well, some of the benefits of IO-Link are the reduction of wiring, labor, PLC I/O and inventory.  Since IO-Link is physically comprised of a 3-conductor design, sensors, including analog versions, will only require 3-conductors.  Additionally, diagnostic information is reported on the device's condition.  The diagram below shows the pin-out description.
Pin 1 - 24VDC+, Pin 2-open, Pin 3-DC-, Pin 4-IO Link data or SIO (standard I/O mode) **note PNP outputs only**

The IO-Link Master will coordinate the sensing device's value with a register in the fieldbus controller (PLC or remote I/O node).  If you decide to replace an IO-Link sensor with a standard PNP sensor, it will operate with no problems.  However, automatic ID and other communication functions will not be available. Once a replacement IO-Link device is installed, the Master will recognize and report the data to the control system.

Speaking with a group of our automation specialists, we brought up a few of the following points:
  • Is the IO-Link organization designing something that isn't needed?
  • Are we saving I/O points on remote I/O or PLC nodes (since we have to use a Master in place of the I/O module)?
  • Will the extra cost of IO-Link devices be worth their benefit?
  • Will IO-Link users need to configure a sensing device remotely?
  • If IO-Link is so great, why isn't it being accepted quicker?

IO-Link FAQ, answers some of these...

At Standard Electric Supply Co, we represent the following IO-Link providers: Lutze, Pepperl+Fuchs, Schneider Electric, Sick, Siemens & Wago

For additional details on architecture, please refer to IO-Link's website:

IO-Link Members:

Please contact Standard Electric Supply Co for additional information at

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On-Line Motor Insulation Testing

Motor Protection for "High Value" Process / Motor Applications
  • Do you care about the winding insulation status of your motors?
  • Would it be beneficial to have a “real-time” winding insulation monitor to continuously check the status of your motor or generator windings?
  • Do you perform preventative maintenance on motors or generators?
  • Are you concerned with ARC Flash requirements, related to motor maintenance?

If you answered yes to any of the above, Meg-Alert has the products you seek! Meg-Alert manufactures the MotorGuard and GenGuard patented testing and protection systems designed to detect insulation breakdown in critical motors and generators. The system senses when the motor or generator is offline and then performs a continuous dielectric test on the winding insulation until the equipment is started again. When an abnormal condition is detected, the equipment can be locked out and a warning signal sent, indicating that the motor or generator needs maintenance. The testing is done with a current limited non-destructive DC voltage from 500 - 5000 VDC, which is safe for both personnel and the equipment. By automatically testing offline equipment, customers can now predict and prevent impending failures, reduce unscheduled downtime repairs, and increase plant safety by not exposing maintenance personnel to dangerous Arc Flash conditions experienced when performing manual testing.

Automation makes it practical and affordable to keep your motors in proper running condition. The use of the Meg-Alert products can dramatically increase plant productivity by reducing downtime and improving safety conditions if done correctly. The windings are the key indicators of degradation and potential failure. If you have a properly mounted, balanced, grounded, and lubricated motor, you can probably rule out bearing failure, leaving the windings as the weak link. So, insulation resistance testing can give you a real key in predicting motor failure.  There is little doubt that insulation testing is valuable, but using them can be difficult and time consuming. If you utilize "Automatic offline insulation testing", it can provide you with real-time winding conditions before starting, which is the most intense part of motor operation, and the point when a motor is most likely to fail. When the motor stops operating, the Meg-Alert device applies a test voltage signal to the windings and measures any leakage current to ground.  The device, usually coupled to a meg-ohm meter or analog signal device will alert you when the insulation resistance drops below an acceptable level. The Meg-Alert device can lockout the motor controller to disable the motor starting, thus preventing the motor from starting and causing a failure.  After you correct the winding insulation problems, you can reset the system and return the motor to normal operation. In addition, Standard Electric Supply Co can assist you in getting your motor status by e-mail, SMS message or other notifications.

Please read this article by Rick Zelm, President of Meg-Alert, Inc.: PEM Magazine

Also, check out Meg-Alert's web site for more information: or visit our web site

Thursday, October 25, 2012

eWON Industrial Remote Connectivity

Frequently Asked Questions about eWON and Remote Access

What is the eWON?

eWON is a remote access router/gateway that is used with a web server (Talk2M), designed for OEM’s to connect to user machines via the Internet. This hosted application acts as a secure broker and relays the communications originated by the OEM to the user’s site via an encrypted VPN tunnel. It is designed for and intended to be used in the industrial automation sector.

What is VPN and tunneling?
VPN (virtual private network) and tunneling are techniques that allow encrypted data links between your location and another (remote) computer. Tunneling encapsulates a specific stream of data within an encrypted protocol, making everything that travels through the tunnel unreadable to anyone along the transmission path.  Using a VPN or other form of tunneling to encrypt data is a good way to ensure that data will not be seen by anyone other than you and people you trust.

What do I need at the machine site in order to use the Talk2M system?

All that is required is an Internet connection via your LAN (Local Area Network). Your LAN (connected to the WAN port of the eWON) should have permission to allow users to browse the Internet. The eWON uses this LAN to connect to the Talk2M server. The eWON needs the same type of settings as a PC connected to the same network (IP address, subnet mask and gateway, plus any optional proxy settings). The eWON is a DHCP client, so it can be, and typically is setup by the OEM, to be assigned a LAN IP address automatically. Unlike other VPN access schemes, the eWON needs NO SPECIAL PORTS OR FIREWALL SETTINGS to work. The assigned IP actual address is not restricted in range, nor does not even need to be known.

What if I cannot use DHCP Addressing?
The eWON can be set up to use a STATIC IP address that is assigned and controlled by the IT department. Also as previously noted, the eWON can work with most proxy servers, if required.

The Talk2M service is hosted on the Internet. Can anyone in the world can access the machine in my factory?
NO! Each eWON connected to your machine connects exclusively to the Talk2M server. An authentication mechanism ensures that each eWON talks only to the Talk2M server, and only those authorized users that have the same 32 character encryption key. This ensures that an authorized user can only communicate with a specific eWON. All data exchanged via the Talk2M server and the Internet is encrypted, so the data remains secure.

The eWON is connected to my LAN. This means the OEM can see my entire network?
NOT TRUE! Each eWON is a router/gateway device that only allows traffic to the machine side (sub-net LAN) or the area enclosed in green with the four (4) ports. The WAN side of the eWON only connects exclusively to the Talk2M server.

What does my IT department need to do to use the eWON?
Typically nothing! Talk2M tunnels are initiated by the eWON and use only outgoing connections. No incoming connections are made (in other words, the Talk2M server does not initiate tunnels), so no ports need to be enabled in your corporate firewall for incoming connections. In addition, Talk2M is designed to be minimally intrusive. This means that it uses the outgoing ports that are already enabled, which are usually the HTTP port (80) and the related secure HTTPS port (443) or UDP port 1194.

A Talk2M tunnel can be configured to be always on. This means that the machine builder can access the PLC and make changes without my knowledge?
It is possible to configure the eWON with a switch connected to the eWON digital input so the VPN connection can be enabled or disabled. A digital output is also available to control a relay that can be used to physically decouple the Ethernet port from the corporate network. Also, if a static IP is assigned, it can be controlled by the IT department. Lastly, unplugging the WAN port denies all remote access.

You can discover more about eWON by contacting Standard Electric Supply Co (servicing Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana) at 800-776-822 or

Monday, June 8, 2009